Launch and connect your AWS Instance

Register one if you don't have (

Step 2: On top left bar, choose Services > Compute> EC2

Step 3: Launch Instance

Step 4: Choose Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type

Either x86 or Arm is fine

Step 5: Choose instance type "t3a.xlarge"

Click “Next: Configure Instance Details” at the bottom right of the page

Nothing to change here, so click “Next: Add Storage”

Step 6: Change size Gib into 60

Click Add Tag. There's nothing to add here so lick Next: Configure Security Group

Step 7: Click "Add Rule"

Please add the following 2 port: TCP 9334 and TCP 9433. To add, please click "Add Rule", then: - For Type, select "Custom TCP Rule" - Input port number: 9334, 9433 - For Source, Anywhere

Then click "Review and Launch"

Step 8: Download Key Pair

In the pop up window, please elect “Create a new key pair” and then enter a name that you like, for example "incognitokey".

Click “Download Key Pair” and save it somewhere safe.

Click “Launch Instances”.

Click “View Instances”

Step 9: Connect to instance

Right click at the Running status, then select "Connect"

Follow the step in the screenshot

  • Open SSH client

  • Local you Key File at Step 8

  • this command:

chmod 400 <file name> (eg: chmod 400 incogintokey.pem)

After that run this command:

ssh -i “file ”

This is the IP address to run your Virtual Node

Last updated